Photographers! Painters! Songwriters! Graphic Artists! Poets! Filmmakers!
Do you have a passion for compassion? A heart for art? A fate to create?!
The National Anti-Vivisection Society (NAVS) is proud to announce Art for Animals 2010. This annual art competition provides an opportunity for animal lovers and artists of all ages to give a voice to those who suffer silently in the name of science and to send a creative message about respect, justice and compassion for animals.
NAVS continues to seek out the most compelling images, sounds and artistic expressions that today’s artists are creating. Your work of art could be chosen to illustrate NAVS’ publications, posters, cards, stationery, or website. And if that’s not enough motivation, there are also cash awards for Best in Show, Best Photograph, and 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners in three age divisions.
Art for Animals 2010 makes a great class project for students of all ages!
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