Wednesday, April 7, 2010

LOAD and CTW Information for Graduating Seniors

We can complete this material which the University requires prior to your graduation during the final 2 weeks of class when you will have time in class to work on your portfolio prior to your scheduled Exit Review.

I will need the following from you by the last class period:
CTW Info:
You will produce a professional CD packet related to your "personal voice project."
Your packet will consist of a professional resume, an artist statement (Creative Brief) that addresses your project, a CD with a minimum of 5 jpeg images.

CD INSTRUCTIONS: Create and label three folders inside your CD as below.
Put the following content in each folder:

Folder #1 Label: Last Name_Text Files (Example: Smith_TextFiles)
1) resume properly labeled

2) artist statement properly labeled (Example: Smith_Statement)

3) image file list properly labeled
(Example: Smith_ImageList) Make sure the numbers of your list
coincide with the numbers assigned to jpeg files.
Format for this list is: italicized title of work followed by year; dimensions of work with height first, width second; then medium.
(Example: #1. Purge #5, 2008, 30” x 40”, digital chromogenic print)

Folder #2 Label: Last Name_300ppi Image Files (Example: Smith_300ppi_ImageFiles)
10 jpegs at 300 ppi with 2000 maximum horizontal pixels
Label each jpeg with the number that coincides with the image file text list, last name, underline, first name, underline, title (Example: #1.Smith_Stan_LifeIsGrand)

Folder #3 Label: Last Name_72ppi Image Files (Example: Smith _72ppi_ImageFiles)
10 jpgs at 72 ppi with 900 maximum horizontal pixels
Label each jpeg with the number that coincides with the image file text list, last name, underline, first name, underline, title (Example: #1Smith_Stan_LifeIsGrand)

LOAD info:
I will also need 10 jpegs of your work from your time at GSU (your can choose) with the following:

Label CD with first and last name, discipline, semester and year graduating.

* 10 jpgs at 150 ppi with 900 maximum horizontal pixels

Label each jpeg with last name, underline, first name, underline, title of work, underline, year
Example: Smith_Stan_LifeIsGrand_2009

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