March 18-20, 2010
Nashville, Tennessee
Hutton Hotel
In 140 characters or less, is your institution connecting with your audience? In these tough economic times, creative communications professionals are vital to solving some of your institution's financial and global responsibilities by making your brand viral.
Join us for the 2010 UCDA Design Summit and learn how to look at your communication plan and see how your brand can extend into a strong print portfolio and beyond, becoming integrated into the everyday lives of your audience and explore how to utilize social media and take our brands to the next level. The UCDA Design Summit, with a focus on branding, is the single most relevant event tailored specifically for communicators in education.
Our faculty lineup for 2010 is an outstanding one! Faculty includes: Patrick DiMichele (Senior Strategist, mStoner); Christine Klaehn (Partner, Director of Brand Strategy, Corey McPherson Nash); Herbert Krabel (Guerrilla Communication); Rachel Reuben (Director of Web Communication & Strategic Projects, State University of New York at New Paltz); and Tom Hope (Creative Director of University of Central Florida, UCF Marketing).
You'll enjoy two and one half days of intensive programming from our five faculty members. See full schedule and session descriptions.
Literature Exchange
Share examples of your work with your colleagues and gather new ideas to bring back to your institution. Bring samples with you, or mail them to yourself at the hotel to arrive when you do.
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